Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Supreme Court


    After reading this article, I was able to better educate myself about the history and functions of the United States Supreme Court. I personally did not know much about the Supreme Court before reading this article so this was very helpful for me. I knew that the Supreme Court was the highest level court system in our country and that it was originated due to the U.S. Constitution. I did not know that much more about it. 
   Something that took me by surprise while learning more about it was how we rely on so few people to uphold the laws of the entire country. We currently have nine Supreme Court justices, but originally there were only six. Both numbers are quite small and its somewhat shocking that we can allow for such a small group of people to have such much power over our country. I personally, however, see the process that was created in selecting these justices as very efficient. Having to be selected by multiple branches of government makes it seem that the justices chosen will be reliable and are capable of doing their job well.

I think that the most important take away about the Supreme Court is how much of an affect is has had on our country as a whole. As much as it is obvious that they create the majority of our laws, I rarely think about the ones that they have made in the past that have created the country that I live in today. The Supreme Court has created laws that protect my rights as an American citizen and as a woman. There are so many laws that we don't think twice about now, but back when they weren't actually laws the Supreme Court is what changed that for our country as a whole.

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