Thursday, October 20, 2022

Top Five Sources of News and Information

 New York Times

The New York Times is a source I use quite often. One of the main reasons I use it however, is it's convenience. Usually I can find information about whatever topic I am interested in. Even if I am not directly searching their site, they tend to be one of the first websites to pop up after searching whatever it is that I am looking for. They appear to be credible with the news they report especially being the oldest news paper in the United States.


I receive a lot of my news through instagram unintentionally. Most of the information I stumble upon on instagram is just something I happened to see someone post rather than searching for it myself. I enjoy this because it helps me find out about topics I never even knew were going on and I can find out so much so quickly and conveniently. The biggest downside to instagram as a news source, however, is its lack of credibility. Anything can be posted on instagram so there is a lot of false information on there. I make sure I fact check anything I see on instagram from a more credible news source before fully believing what I read.

Washington Post

I also use the Washington Post to receive my news. It has very similar content to the New York Times which includes a variety of topics. Much of their political information is very knowledgable as well as unbiased. I know I can find a lot of information on their site and that the information I'm receiving is coming from a credible source. 


I receive most of my information regarding sports here. As someone from Massachusetts, I'm pretty passionate about my sports teams and I really enjoy being able to see how they are doing. It's interesting to see what's going on in the world of sports and it makes it easy to get information and keep tabs on what's happening.


YouTube is my last source of news. I enjoy finding my information on YouTube because you can get a variety of different opinions on a certain topic. It is easy to find videos from reliable news stations as well as random people with no credibility but a strong opinion. YouTube is also extremely convenient. Many videos about popular topics will come up without me having to look. This allows me to easily find out about important topics in the world without even having to search for it.

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