Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The Age of AI



  Many people hear the words "artificial intelligence" and think of a scary robot movie where all technology comes to life and takes over the world. However, the AI that is around today looks a lot different. The voice recognition used with Siri, the technologies in self driving cars, the Alexa in your living room. All of this is considered artificial intelligence technologies.

    After watching the documentary In the Age of AI, I was able to understand so much more about how AI development will actually affect our society. One of the biggest things I came to realize is how AI technology will affect the job market. With AI, so many people will lose their jobs and careers that once could only be done by humans will now be able to be fulfilled by technology. This is extremely concerning for a country with an already struggling job market. The AI technology will eventually become advanced enough to do these jobs faster, more efficiently, and most importantly cheaper than humans. Companies will prioritize having these technologies rather than humans working for them.


    AI technologies can also be scary because in time, they will become more advanced than humans. Not only will they be more advanced but they will have access to every single person's information as well. As these technologies become more advanced and become more prevalent in the world, a new fear is introduced as to what these technologies are able to do with that information. Privacy laws and regulations regarding our technology have already been violated numerous times so what is to say it wouldn't happen again with AI.

    With all of that being said AI still has its positives. AI technology is able to do what people cannot. It can work nonstop and overall provide ease to the life of humans. Although it has its numerous negatives, people tend to overlook the positives. Nobody wants to live in a world that AI is in charge of, but we all should become more comfortable with it because it is only going to become more and more a part of our lives.

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