Wednesday, November 30, 2022

What I Learned About Communication Technology

     Throughout the Each One Teach One communication technology presentations, I was able to learn so much more about the histories and impacts of various different technologies. Two of the technologies that I specifically found very interesting were Bluetooth and Netflix. Learning more about these two technologies helped me better understand these things I use daily.

     In regards to Bluetooth, I was always aware of Bluetooth being in our phones, laptops, cars, and other such devices. These seemed obvious to me and I never seemed to wonder if Bluetooth was used in any other electronics. After listening to this presentation, however, I learned how much more Bluetooth is used for. I was unaware of the impact that Bluetooth had on the healthcare system. I never knew that Bluetooth was used within hearing aids and pacemakers. I also didn't realize how significant Bluetooth has been in the advancement of communication. Bluetooth was designed as a way to connect devices without having to use a cable. Although cables seem like a small inconvenience, removing them has actually made a huge impact. By removing cables communication became significantly more mobile. Bluetooth has allowed for communication to take place at any location without having to worry about wether or not you are connected. Something that I also never realized about Bluetooth was its negative affects. I was unaware of the risk that Bluetooth puts users at for hackers. All of this information has helped me better understand Bluetooth. 

  Netflix is something I probably use daily. Although I remember hearing about the days when Netflix was a company that delivered DVDs by mail, it is a vague memory in my mind. Thinking back on the popularity of DVDs in the time that the founders decided to create this company, it seems wild to think about how successful that would be. One thing I found extremely interesting about this was how well Netflix adapted to the change in technology. As DVDs slowly lost popularity, Netflix jumped on the opportunity to launch a streaming service within their company as well. By doing this, Netflix has been able to dominate the streaming service market and was one of the earliest companies to do this. I also personally enjoyed learning more about the history of Netflix's original series. I did not know House of Cards was the first Netflix original and it is interesting to see the way that these original series have become so successful. Learning more about the history of Netflix has given me a much better perspective on how it came to be what it is today. 

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